February 5, 2025
CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) has released a new animation intended for children subject to proceedings in the family court. This is the second animation in its ‘Taking Me Seriously’ series.
The first animated film released in 2023 explains in a child-friendly way why there may be court proceeding ongoing (both public and private law proceedings) and the role of CAFCASS in court proceedings. The video is available to view here:- Children and young people | Cafcass
More recently on 14 January 2025, CAFCASS released its second animation – ‘Taking me seriously: Sharing recommendations with you’. This video explains CAFCASS’ role in making recommendations about care arrangements to the court in proceedings, and the importance of recommendations being shared with and understood by child(ren). The video is available to view here:- Cafcass emphasises the importance of explaining decision making to children in new animated film | Cafcass
These animations were developed with the Family Justice Young People’s Board, which is an organisation of children and young people in England and Wales, who have first-hand experience of the family court system, or an interest in the family courts.
Our specialist Child Care Team offers legal advice to parents and family members involved in this area of law. Should you require any assistance, please contact our Child Care Team on 01935 424581.
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