CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) have published an updated domestic abuse practice policy, which was implemented on...
    In October 2024, we reported on a pilot scheme known as ‘The Transparency Project’, (you can read a copy here) in which a select number of courts...
    The Children’s Commissioner has called on the Government to remove the defence of “reasonable punishment” as a defence in common law and the Children...
    What is a Non-Molestation Order? A Non-Molestation Order is a protective order that prohibits a person from behaving in a certain way towards another...
    At the conclusion of Care Proceedings, a Judge may make Final Care and Placement Orders in respect of the child or children.
    CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) has released a new animation intended for children subject to proceedings in the...
    In December 2024 the Family Justice Council (“FJC”) released new guidance detailing how the Court’s should deal with allegations that are made by...
    If a Local Authority issues an application to the Family Court to commence Care Proceedings in respect of a child, it may be asking the Court to make...
    Care proceedings initiated by the Local Authority involve a range of assessments to help the Court to determine what is in the best interests of the...
    A report has been published on 7th November 2024 recommending wholesale reform to the process of adoption in the UK.
    In cases where establishing biological parentage is necessary - whether for personal, legal, or identity-related reasons - individuals may apply to...
    In October 2021 it was decided that journalists and legal bloggers should be able to report on what they see and hear in court, subject to strict...
    Proceedings concerning children after parents have separated can be an extremely challenging time for everyone involved. A whirl of emotions can make...
    Care proceedings are usually a very confidential process. Without a jury or a public gallery like various other legal proceedings, the only people...
    A Prohibited Steps Order prevents a person, typically a parent, from a certain activity in relation to a child and from exercising their parental...
    The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can be a cherished and vital part of family life, offering emotional support, stability, and...
    In 2019 I wrote a blog about parental alienation (linked here). It’s time for an update on where we are now 5 years on…
    What is Parental Responsibility?‘Parental Responsibility’ or ‘PR’ is the bundle of rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and obligations that...
    If you are separated from your child’s other parent or are currently involved in Court proceedings regarding your children, and want to take the...
    The Local Authority may issue care proceedings when they have concerns that a child is at risk of significant harm. Examples of neglect Examples...
    It can be very daunting attending court for the first time, especially during care proceedings. Care proceedings are a court process started by a...
    What is a PLO letter? A PLO letter will be sent to you if a Local Authority become concerned about your child’s wellbeing. The Local Authority will...
    What is parental alienation? Parental alienation involves the psychological manipulation of a child by one parent against the other, without any...