What is NHS-funded nursing care?

    What is NHS-funded nursing care?

    NHS-funded nursing care (FNC) is care that is provided by a registered nurse for people who live in a care home and require it. The care home receives a flat rate contribution directly from the NHS towards the cost of the nursing care.

    Who is eligible for funded nursing care?

    You may be eligible if:

    • you are not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare but you have been assessed as needing care from a registered nurse
    • you live in a care home that is registered to provide nursing care

    How will my needs be assessed for funded nursing care?

    Before any decision is made about whether you are eligible for NHS FNC, you should be assessed for NHS continuing healthcare first.

    What is the rate of payment for funded nursing care?

    In April 2019, the standard rate was set at £165.56 a week.

    For the 2019 to 2020 period, the higher rate of FNC has also increased by 4.7% from the current rate of £217.59 to £227.77 per week. This is only relevant for people who were already on the higher rate in 2007 when the single band was introduced.

    Before October 1 2007, there were three different levels or bands:

    • low
    • medium
    • high

    If you were on the low or medium bands and you moved into a care home before October 1 2007, you would have been transferred to the standard rate from that date.

    If you were on the high band and you moved into a care home before October 1 2007, NHS FNC would be paid at a higher rate.

    You are entitled to continue on the higher rate unless:

    • you no longer have nursing needs
    • you no longer live in a care home that provides nursing
    • your nursing needs have reduced and you are no longer eligible for the high band, therefore changing to the standard rate of £165.56 a week, or
    • you become entitled to NHS continuing healthcare

    Do you need help and advice with funded nursing care?

    To find out more about funded nursing care and whether you may be eligible for it, contact our Funding Care Team who will be happy to help.

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