What is S117 Mental Health Act 1983 aftercare funding?

    What is S117 Mental Health Act 1983 aftercare funding?

    Certain people who have been in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983 (‘sectioned’) can get free aftercare when they leave hospital. Section 117 begins when you leave the hospital.

    You are entitled to section 117 aftercare if you have been in hospital under any of the following sections of the Mental Health Act 1983:

    • 3
    • 37
    • 45A
    • 47
    • 48

    Your aftercare should only stop when you do not need any more help from the NHS or Social Services.

    S117 aftercare funding success

    We have had success securing a full package of S117 aftercare funding after it was previously declined in error by the local authority.

    The local authority was convinced that our client was not eligible. A complaint was escalated to senior management by this firm. Care fees were refunded in excess of £27,000, with an ongoing package of care in the home of over £800 per week.

    Do you need help and advice with funding issues?

    Our experts can help you understand the process, give you the best advice, then provide whatever support you need to secure the best possible funding arrangement.

    To find out more about S117 aftercare funding, contact our Funding Care Team who will be happy to help.

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