November 2, 2018
There are two ways to bring an end to a marriage – annulment or divorce. While a divorce legally ends a marriage, an annulment declares the marriage null and void, as if it never existed. The end result is the same for both options – the parties are each free to marry again.
It never is a question of either/or – do I ask for my marriage to be annulled or do I ask for a divorce? The question is: should you go for an annulment instead of a divorce?
An application to the court may be made for an annulment in circumstances where a marriage is either void or voidable.
A void marriage is void from the outset and may be treated by both parties as never having taken place at all without any need for a decree of nullity. But most parties will want to obtain a decree so that advantage may be taken of the court’s powers to resolve financial issues pursuant to the decree.
So, a void marriage is one where:
A marriage may only be voidable on the following grounds:
There is only one ground for obtaining a decree of divorce and that is that your marriage has irretrievably broken down.
On 6 April 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 was implemented, heralding no-fault divorce. Read more in our blog post: No-fault divorce – the end of the blame game
Applications for nullity may be brought at any time after the marriage. There is no need to wait for a year. However, the parties must have lived in England or Wales for at least one year and have to have had a permanent residence in England or Wales for six months.
Applications for divorce may only be made once the parties have been married for one year or more.
Both divorce and nullity attract an issue fee for filing the application with the court of £593. In both cases the respondent needs to respond to the court.
It is always best to consult a solicitor to assist in the preparation and pursuit of an application for a decree of divorce or annulment since there are many pitfalls waiting to trap the unwary.
Are you considering getting a divorce? Download our free guide and find out the six key decisions you need to make.
[Originally published in November 2018; updated on June 2024]
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