Paying for care: When should I not be paying care fees?

    Paying for care: When should I not be paying care fees?

    If you, or a loved one, are struggling to manage at home, the thought of getting some kind of care can be stressful, not least because of the costs involved. The good news is that there are several situations where you should not be paying for care home fees or paying for care at home.

    When should I not be paying for care home fees or paying for care at home?

    • If eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Funding
      However, this is not for life and can be short term. It does not cover additional expenses, such as chiropody, hairdressing and alternative therapies.
    • If eligible for NHS CHC Fast Track Tool
      This tool is used when an individual requires immediate access to and an urgent package of continuing healthcare due to a rapidly deteriorating condition that may be entering a terminal phase, and has an increased level of dependency.
    • If eligible for S117 Mental Health Act 1983 aftercare funding
      This is also not for life but it is clear that the Local Authority must not charge for s117 aftercare.
    • If eligible for an Intermediate Care Package
      This is a package of short term health and social care services that can be offered free of charge, usually for up to 6 weeks. The outcome is to get a person back on their feet to return home and be independent rather than to permanent long term care in a care home.

    The Local Authority should also not charge for certain other support services, such as:

    • Community equipment (aids and minor adaptations) of £1000 or less
    • Care and support for people diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
    • Any assessment of care needs or financial assessment
    • Any NHS service which may be part of a care package and is the responsibility of the NHS

    Do you need help and advice with funding issues?

    Our experts can help you understand the process, give you the best advice, then provide whatever support you need to secure the best possible funding arrangement.

    For further advice on the qualifying criteria or to assist with the process, please do not hesitate to contact our team who will be happy to help.

    We can help you with CHC Funding - request a call back

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