If you and your partner find it difficult to agree on issues related to your children, there are various ways to seek to resolve the dispute. Mediation – we can help you set this up with trusted, experienced children mediators. Hybrid mediation may be helpful where your lawyer supports you in the mediation with the legal issues which arise. There are other ways of resolving disputes such as meetings between lawyers, negotiation, collaboration, arbitration and the family Court system. We can help you make the right choice for you.
If necessary, you can ask a court to decide where your child should live or how much time they spend with their other parent by seeking what is now called a Child Arrangement Order (you may have heard terms such as custody, residence or contact).
The courts can also help to determine a specific issue, such as where your child should attend school and what their surname should be, or it can prohibit a parent from taking a particular step, such as removing your child to another country. See our blog on 'What is a prohibited steps order'
Court proceedings of this sort generally involve a child’s parents but may also involve a grandparent (see our blog on 'Grandparents rights to contact with their grandchildren') or the child themselves. On occasions it may be necessary for your child’s own interests to be separately voiced through a Children’s Guardian (CAFCASS). See our blog 'what is a Guardian and why are they involved in proceedings concerning children?'
In all cases, if you and your partner decide your relationship is over and require the court’s intervention, its primary consideration will be the welfare of your children and any orders made will be for the best interest of the child.
Sometimes the local authority (Social Services) may become involved if there are concerns that a child is, or may become, at risk, under child protection laws.
We can provide the legal advice and support you need to find the right solutions and protect your child’s long-term interests. Our children lawyers can offer advice on:
Our child law solicitors are experienced in representing children, parents or grandparents. We build an experienced legal team to represent you throughout your case.