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    In the people business, we focus on looking after you

    Our clients trust us to protect their businesses with best practice HR and Employment advice.

    Business funding options

    We understand that the ability to pay legal fees is a key concern for any business needing to take legal advice. We will discuss the options available to you depending on your case. We pride ourselves on being entirely transparent regarding fees and will keep you informed every step of the way.

    The options that we will normally consider with you include:

    1. Paying our fees yourself. Sometimes we may be able to offer a fixed fee for a specific piece of work;
    2. The availability of legal expenses insurance. You may have such a policy in place already, sometimes without even realising it. If you do, you may have the right to choose a solicitor to act for you or your insurer may appoint someone on your behalf;
    3. Assistance with fees or support from a scheme connected with your business.

    Contact us to see how we can assist you in the funding of your case.

    If you are an employer worried about legal compliance and the risk of a claim, contact a member of our Employment & HR team about our EASE package which is designed to provide you with complete peace of mind and offers you insurance against the costs associated with Employment Tribunal proceedings and awards.

    Porter Dodson - Colour - Low Res - 027

    For advice on the right funding option for your business.

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